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AKITA JALT meetings in 2003
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"What's important is students' autonomy: I try to encourage them to learn for themselves."

Mr. Yoshizawa used MS PowerPoint for his presentation and showed us a video tape. His students looked very happy and excited in his classroom. He is a "genki" teacher.

The guest is explaining about picture symbols his students use to deliver their summaries.
"It is effective to increase classroom interaction and student interest through 'Read and Share' group activities."

Guest speaker: Takayuki Yoshizawa
Date: Sunday, July 27 (2003)
Title: Action Research in my classroom:
How to develop learner autonomy based on shadowing and extensive reading

12 people plus the guest speaker attended the meeting
Chapter Report
(to be printed in The Language Teacher)
Akita: July
Action Research in my classroom:
How to develop learner autonomy based on shadowing and extensive reading

by Takayuki Yoshizawa

This presentation described techniques used by Omagari Junior High English teacher Takayuki Yoshizawa for using the secondary English classroom setting more effectively and described related classroom in the form of a reflective classroom activities journal and student comments from a 3rd year junior high class. Mr. Yoshizawa felt  that  he was able to increase classroom interaction and student interest through "Read and Share" group activities with both intensive and extensive reading. Video footage of a very lively class using "shadowing" was given as an example of how shadowing during oral readings helped students internalize expressions.  Another technique demonstrated on video had students delivering short presentations they had prepared and recorded themselves, first with the help of their own recorded presentation while listening through earphones, then delivering the presentation without help. Mr. Yoshizawa also explained how he helped students link meaning with sound through  note-taking using picture symbols which they could use to deliver their own summaries. Mr. Yoshizawa felt that such activities, together with ongoing evaluations of their own progress by students,  greatly helped improve learner interest and autonomy.

Reported by Mark Cunningham

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